Events and Courses

“Has anyone done the readings?” (Silence)

Teaching and Community Events

We host teachings by our own Nalandabodhi teachers, as well as by teachers from other Buddhist traditions. Check our Calendar for group meditations and other community events. Everyone is welcome.

Nalandabodhi Courses

Coming to a Nalandabodhi Center gives you the opportunity to take Nalandabodhi Courses in a friendly class setting. Courses feature authentic teachings from lineage holders of the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche.  +more about Nalandabodhi Courses

Hong Kong Curriculum

In addition to events where we host Buddhist teachers from overseas, we have a regular Study Group following the Nalandabodhi curriculum prepared by the Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.  The Study Group is led by long-time student Nelson Wong who was chosen specifically for his familiarity with these teachings and ability to present them in an easy-to-understand and direct manner (as well as his patience and kindness).

We meet every other Sunday, except for public holidays and retreat times.  Please see the events and courses calendar for specific times, dates, and locations.

In brief, the curriculum is divided into 4 levels: Introduction, Hinayana*, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.  It takes about 1 year to complete each level, but time varies depending on course difficulty.

As the study group is ongoing and there is currently only one curriculum in progress at any one time, latecomers are still welcome to join, but are encouraged to get in touch with Nelson Wong regarding required readings in order to catch up with classes in progress.

The environment is laid-back, open to all who wish to explore this particular presentation of the Vajrayana teachings, and taught in English.  Chinese versions of the curriculum** are also available in text format and Nelson is able to address questions in Mandarin and Cantonese, but English is very helpful for attending the regular Study Group and Q&A sessions.

*as taught from within the Vajrayana tradition which incorporates what are called “Hinayana” teachings as the required foundation to be developed for further studies and practices.  These are not Theravadin teachings from the Theravadin tradition.  In this presentation, because they are the first of a series of teachings and form the foundation upon which the Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings are made accessible, they are called “Hinayana” or “Lower Vehicle”.  While the Nalandabodhi presentation does elaborate on core aspects of Theravadin philosophy, its basic presentation is designed to include these teachings as a part of a larger framework. The label of “Hinayana” is not meant to be extended towards Theravadin teachings that are designed to be complete in their own right.

See all upcoming Events and Courses



我們將為「那瀾陀菩提中心」導師(暫時只提供英語) 以及來自其他佛學傳統的導師舉辦教學活動。請參閱我們的行事曆(暫時只提供英語) 以了解有關襌修小組及其他社群活動的詳情。歡迎大家參與 !


「那瀾陀菩提中心」為大家提供一個的機會,在友善的學習環境下修讀「那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程」。在金剛乘傳統中噶舉派及寧瑪派的傳承持有者 竹慶本樂仁波切(暫時只提供英語)以及 堪布竹清嘉措仁波切所給予的正統教學和指導為課程特色之一。


除了舉辦海外佛學導師的教學活動,我們亦設有定期的研習小組學習按 竹慶本樂仁波切編訂的「那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程」。Nelson Wong是仁波切的資深學生,由於他對課程內容熟悉及其直接易懂的講解方法 (當然還有他的耐心和仁慈),因而被委任指導這研習小組。




研習小組為每位有興趣探討這系列金剛乘教學的學員提供一個開放及輕鬆的學習環境。課程主要以英語進行,亦可提供中文課本** ,同時Nelson也能以廣東話及普通話解答問題,但英語將對在研習小組學習及答問環節十分有幫助。

* 包含在金剛乘傳統中的「小乘教法」,是進一步學習及修持所必須建立的基礎,我們絕對不能把「小乘」當做上座部佛教 (Theravada School,長老派教法,現今僅存的小乘部派) 的同義詞。把這兩者視為相同,不但很無禮,而且也不正。小乘教法代表了佛陀最基礎的教導,著重於佛陀教導中基礎的面向,沒有小乘堅固的基礎,行者也無法修持大乘 (深廣之道) 或金剛乘 (不可摧壞之道) , 所以稱為 「小乘」或「較低乘」。作為整體課程架構的一部份,在「那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程」中亦有闡述有關上座部佛教的核心哲學,然而在課程中所使用的「小乘」一詞並未試圖涵蓋本身作為一個完整體系的上座部佛教。

查看所有活動及課程 (暫時只提供英語)

** Chinese Textbooks of the Nalandabodhi Study Curriculum

佛陀佛陀 請開門 • 那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程 系列一 佛法入門 (上)
佛陀佛陀 請開門
那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程 系列一 佛法入門 (上)
Nalandabodhi Study Path 100 Series – Introduction to Buddhism (101,102)

沒有我時 我是誰
那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程 系列一 佛法入門 (下)
Nalandabodhi Study Path 100 Series – Introduction to Buddhism (103,104)

從前有位 阿羅漢
那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程 系列二 聖者之道 (上)
Nalandabodhi Study Path 200 Series – Hinayana (201) : Hinayana View

寂滅為樂 二乘人
• 那瀾陀菩提佛學研習課程 系列二 聖者之道 (下)
Nalandabodhi Study Path 200 Series – Hinayana (202) : Hinayana Path & Fruition


The listed Chinese textbooks are now available at different bookstores including, Buddhist Bookshop, Elite Bookstore, The Commercial Press and Joint Publishing (H.K.), etc.